Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I have been asked to take the position of Outreach Director with SOURCE and am honored by the offer. I am excited with the growth I am seeing in our Homeless Youth program, people are interested and want to be involved. SOURCE is so creative in its modes of outreach and I feel like its a great fit for me.
The thing that excites me most though is watching the growth in individuals as they participate in outreach. Often times we come away just as blessed if not more than those we've ministered to.
I am so blessed to take on a position of heading up our Outreach programs. My desire is for those that come to volunteer down here go back home realizing that true outreach is way more than just a program. Outreach is a 24/7 call to the christian. More than just meeting the physical needs of others.
I rejoice when I see how the church is realizing the true depths of the power of prayer. They are moving towards it and hunger for it. They are praying more, longer deeper and stronger. They are calling out to God in beautiful amazing ways.
I believe that as the church is awakened to the concept of true prayer that their ideas of outreach will be flipped outside down and upside out. God is moving and I am so glad to be a part of it.

1 comment:

HeyMom said...

Great to see God opening a door for you as Outreach Director. I pray He will continue to go before you, behind you, beneath you and beside you as you serve in this new position!