So let me tell you a fun story from our trip to the Rainbow gathering in Florida. After two days of travel we arrived in Florida on a Friday night. We spent that night at beautiful home of a lovely couple. We had planned that the next morning we would meet at our host church and do some further prep for our entry into the woods.
So Saturday morning we all loaded in the van ready to go to the church. Ben turned the key and nothing...dead battery. We got a jump from our host family and after a few tries we were charged up and on our way. As we entered town we came to a stoplight and the van stalled. There was no juice. Stuck right there in the middle of the street. Just as our minds were about to flip into crisis mode someone noticed that there was a tow truck right behind us.
Ben jumped out and after a few quick words with the tow truck driver he hopped back in the van. "He's gonna push us." Just as Ben said that the tow truck bumped into the back of us and started picking up momentum pushing us into the intersection. Now I don't know if the tow truck operator was just so excited to help or what but he didn't wait for the light to turn green. We were pushed right into an oncoming stream of cross traffic. Ben used his awesome maneuvering skills and coasted us safely onto a side street. Dangerously saved. As we got out of the van what do you know... right across the street was an Auto Zone. We were able to just run right over and grab a new battery. We switched them out and were on our way missing barely any time at all.
This whole thing made me think of how sometimes in life when we break down and need a little push God often just seems to throw us into on coming traffic. But God uses that traffic to steer us to where we need to be. Dangerously saving us.
So Saturday morning we all loaded in the van ready to go to the church. Ben turned the key and nothing...dead battery. We got a jump from our host family and after a few tries we were charged up and on our way. As we entered town we came to a stoplight and the van stalled. There was no juice. Stuck right there in the middle of the street. Just as our minds were about to flip into crisis mode someone noticed that there was a tow truck right behind us.
Ben jumped out and after a few quick words with the tow truck driver he hopped back in the van. "He's gonna push us." Just as Ben said that the tow truck bumped into the back of us and started picking up momentum pushing us into the intersection. Now I don't know if the tow truck operator was just so excited to help or what but he didn't wait for the light to turn green. We were pushed right into an oncoming stream of cross traffic. Ben used his awesome maneuvering skills and coasted us safely onto a side street. Dangerously saved. As we got out of the van what do you know... right across the street was an Auto Zone. We were able to just run right over and grab a new battery. We switched them out and were on our way missing barely any time at all.
This whole thing made me think of how sometimes in life when we break down and need a little push God often just seems to throw us into on coming traffic. But God uses that traffic to steer us to where we need to be. Dangerously saving us.